Throughout 2016 Theatre Nemo’s community program received funding from ScottishPower Foundation. This funding allowed us to deliver weekly sessions in Drama, Visual Art, Taiko Drumming and Guitar Classes.
We held three celebration events throughout the year
Install: Websters Theatre 22nd and 23rd May
Install 2: Royal Conservatoire of Scotland 19th August
Install 3: St Andrews in the Square 13th December
Visual Art
Mr P. has commented that his participation in the Visual Art project has been instrumental in his improved wellbeing and stated that he believes continued engagement with the project would maintain his wellbeing. P has lived with anxiety and depression for many years and due to this has become isolated and lacks confidence, P has also commented that he has difficulty communicating and finds using visual art as an alternative means of communication to be therapeutic.
Mr J. has been an inpatient due to poor mental health for many years, Theatre Nemo projects have acted as a bridge between inpatient care and community participation. When J started to attend the drama group he found it difficult to interact with other group members and rarely communicated or contributed within the group, throughout the process he has become a strong contributor to the group and now socialises comfortably with other group members. During the performance he played a key role and conducted his performance with confidence.

Mr M. has suffered poor mental health as a direct result of an organ transplant many years ago, this has triggered acute anxiety and depression leading to difficulty in leaving his house. Through his participation, he has not only gained confidence within the group and the skills he is learning, it has also had a positive effect on his confidence with transport and getting about on his own.
Miss V. has found participation in Taiko particularly beneficial in terms of social connectedness, she has some cultural and language barriers that she struggles to overcome which has lead to an exacerbation of underlying mental health issues. For her, participation in the weekly sessions and in the performance has given her an opportunity to develop her social confidence in a supportive environment.